Thank you for contacting Restaurant eXchange.

Completing this “Buyer Profile” is the first step toward finding a restaurant or related business opportunity or location.

The profile helps us to focus on your specific search criteria and find possible matches within our inventory, both now and in the future. 

We need to understand your interests, experience, and available resources so we can provide information on opportunities that make sense for you. 

The information you provide in your registration profile is not shared with any party outside of the Broker and agent at Restaurant eXchange.

We save this information and keep your NDA on file within our confidential database so that we can let you know when we have new opportunities for your consideration.

In general, we do not ask for your credit history, proof of funds, or personal financial statement until further into the process of helping you purchase or lease a specific business or property, but you should be aware that this information will be needed in order to complete a transaction.

The registration profile asks about your prior restaurant or business experience, and we ask for a reasonably accurate picture of your financial resources so that we don’t spend time on the wrong opportunity.

The registration process also includes your signing a Confidentiality Agreement/NDA.

We ask for this because ultimately it is in the interest of both the Buyer and Seller to minimize disruption of business operations, to maintain the goodwill value and allow for a smooth and controlled transition to the next owner. 

All persons who will be helping you with the evaluation of the opportunities, or who will be partners or principals in a transaction, must sign the confidentiality agreement included in this registration.

We expect that most people will understand the sensitive nature of looking at operating businesses for sale and will abide by the confidentiality agreement rules, but if we determine that the agreement has been breached, we will discontinue doing business with you, and if your actions can be proven to have damaged the business then other remedies are available.

Please keep any information we share with you private and out of the public sphere.



PHONE 916.482.7979

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